Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have specific question that are not covered here please let me know by using my Contact page.
Question: How do you determine the cost for a particular job?
Answer: Each job is evaluated to determine the estimated time required to establish requirements, research, and write the final product. Other factors such as travel and other expenses are also determined.
Question: Why is there not just a set fee for projects like evaluations?
Answer: Each project requires varying expense models. One evaluation may require the acquisition of a product or set of products to perform testing, comparative analysis, and detailed evaluation. While another evaluation may be accomplished without having to acquire any product.
Question: What are your travel fees?
Answer: Travel fees are typically billed at cost plus 5%. All travel fee projections are disclosed prior to signing a contract.
Question: Do you ever work on a project for a “firm-fixed” price?
Answer: Yes. I have years of experience bidding and working on a firm-fixed price model.